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Submitting files for review

When draft review is enabled for the library, we must submit new or updated files for review before we can publish them to the library.

When you submit a draft file for review, the file is locked and we cannot make changes to it. If the draft is approved, the file is published to the library. If the draft is rejected, the file is returned to you so that we can update it and resubmit it for review.

If make further changes to a file while the review is still pending, you have the option of stopping the review so that we can unlock the file and continue working on it. We can resubmit the file for review when we have finished updating it.

To submit a new or updated file for review.

  1. Upload the file to the library if it is not already uploaded. See Add files to a library.

  2. Click the file name to open its summary page.

  3. Click Submit for Review.

  4. If the Add Reviewers option is available, click the link to designate one or more additional reviewers of the file.

  5. Click Leave an optional comment for the Reviewer(s) to include a message for the file reviewers.

  6. Click Submit.


The designated file reviewers are notified the file requires their review.

What to do next

If continue editing the file while the review is still pending, we can cancel the review by clicking Stop Review on the file summary page. We can resubmit the file for review after you have finished making updates.

Parent topic:
Work with draft files


Add files to a library

Reviewing draft files