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Work with draft files

Community owners can edit library settings to require that all new and updated files must be reviewed and approved by specific users or groups. When new or updated files are approved, they can be published to the library.

For linked libraries, draft review is supported by IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2.0 only. The draft review function is not supported by IBM Content Manager. When draft review is enabled for a library, by default all designated reviewers must approve draft files before they are published to the community. If one reviewer rejects the file, the file status shows as rejected, and the other reviewers are no longer required to review the file. Community owners can override the default workflow by specifying that only one review is needed before a file can be uploaded. Community owners can also edit library settings to allow the file owner to designate one or more reviewers before the document is checked in.

If a reviewer cannot review a draft, for example if the reviewer is on vacation, another reviewer can be designated to review on their behalf. Only Community Owners in the library community can review, approve, or reject on behalf of others.

When a user checks a file into a library that requires draft reviews, the file is locked and it cannot be edited by anyone. The file owner can cancel the draft review to revise file content and resubmit an updated draft.

File reviewers are notified when draft files are submitted for review. If they approve a draft, the file is published to the library and is unlocked. If the file is rejected following review, the file owner must accept the rejection by clicking the Stop Review option. When the file owner stops the review, the file is unlocked and the owner can continue updating the draft. If the file owner wants to remove the draft, it can be deleted after the owner stops the review.

For information about how to enable draft review for a community library, see Manage a community library.

Parent topic:
Use libraries


Manage a community library