How do I see information about library files?
View information about library files from the file summary page.
We can find general information about library files on the file summary page, including version information, file size, tags, and the number of likes for the file. When versioning is enabled in your environment, we can also see and work with versions of the file.
To see information about a library file.
- In any list of library files, click the detailed display icon
to display more data about each file in the view.
- Click a file name in any view to open the file's summary page, and then perform one or more of the following steps:
- Click Comments to see comments about the file.
For linked libraries, this tab is only available in deployments using IBM FileNet Collaboration Services 2.0 with IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2.0. It is not supported in IBM Content Manager deployments.
- Click Attachments to see attached documents. We can download, replace, and delete attachments if you have proper permission. Permissions are set on the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server.
This tab is only displayed for pages published to the ECM server from IBM Lotus Quickr services for Lotus Domino .
- Click Versions to see versions of the file. We can download, restore, and delete versions when we have the appropriate permission. Permissions are set on the ECM server. This tab is only displayed when versioning is enabled in the repository and for the document type. For more information about versioning, see How do I work with versions.
- Click Sharing to see who the file is shared with. We can also see whether the file inherits its sharing settings or whether it has been explicitly shared with other people or groups. If we are the file owner, we can change sharing settings from this tab. We can also update sharing settings from the More Actions menu. For more information about sharing, see Sharing library files and folders.
- For linked libraries, this tab is only available in deployments using FileNet Collaboration Services 2.0 with IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2.0. It is not supported in IBM Content Manager deployments.
- When a linked library widget is connected to a community library, we can view sharing settings but we cannot edit them.
- Click About this File to see when the file was last updated and view information about its size. We can find the number of likes and downloads for the file, and see a list of the people who downloaded it. The list only includes people who were logged in when they downloaded the file.
- Click Document Type to see the values of the document type properties. See Document types for more information.
- Click Review to check the current review status of the file. This tab is only displayed when draft review is enabled for the library and the file is currently under review.
For linked libraries, this tab is only available in deployments using FileNet Collaboration Services 2.0 with IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2.0. It is not supported in IBM Content Manager deployments.
Parent topic:
Use libraries
How do I work with attachments?
How do I work with file versions?
Share library files and folders
Related reference: