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Edit communities

If we are a community owner, we can edit information about the community and the applications associated with the community.

Edit a community to change its name, description, and associated tags, and update information for any applications associated with the community. For example, if the community has a blog, we can edit the blog membership or update basic information about the blog. We can also edit community settings to add an application to the community (if the administrator has enabled it), reset the community's privacy level, or change the image associated with the community.

To edit a community.

  1. From the I’m an Owner view, select the community to edit. If we are not already logged in, we are prompted to do so.

  2. Select Community Actions > Edit Community and do the following as required:

    If the community has extra applications associated with it, such as a blog or wiki, additional tabs display for these applications to enable you to edit them.

    1. To change the name of the community, type a new name in to the Name field.

    2. To change the access level of the community, select one of the following options:

      If we change a community's access level from private to public, any private content, such as shared private files, is removed from the community.

      Option Description
      Public to my organization Select this option if you want the community to be public with anyone within the organization able to join.
      Moderated Select this option if you want the community to be public but for users within the organization to request membership.
      Restricted Select this option if you want the community to be restricted. Restricted communities are available only to those people who are added to the community as members or invited to join by a community owner.

    3. To change the community description, edit the contents of the Description field.

    4. To add or remove community tags, edit the contents of the Tags field.

    5. To change the image associated with the community, click Upload a Community Image and browse for the image to upload. Image resizing does not support all image formats. If we encounter problems with uploading an image, converting the image to a different format often works.

    6. To apply a different theme to the community, click Change Community Theme and select one of the options available.

    7. To change the community's web address, click Access Advanced Featues and update the contents of the Web Address field. We cannot change the web address of a community that has subcommunities.

    8. If moderation is available and editable at the site, we can select from the following options:

      • Owners must approve all content (widgets) where widgets might be one or more of the following widgets: Blog, Files, or Forums. When this option is enabled, community owners can review unpublished content that is submitted for approval and decide whether to publish it to the community or reject it.

      • Viewers can flag inappropriate content (widgets) where widgets might be one or more of the following widgets: Blog, Files, or Forums. When this option is enabled, community owners can review content that is flagged as inappropriate by other users. Community owners can then decide whether to keep the content or remove it from the community.

  3. When you've finished making changes, click Save.

Parent topic:
Manage the communities

Related concepts:

Customize the community


Moderating community content