View status updates from the community
We can keep up-to-date on what the team is doing by viewing the status updates that community members have posted to the community.
The community owner must enable status updates for the community by adding the Status Updates widget to the community. See Add widgets to the community for more information.
The Status Updates page displays the latest status updates that community members have posted to the community.
To see a snapshot of all the latest activity in the community, including status updates, use the Recent Updates page instead. See Get the latest updates from your community.
Select Status Updates from the navigation sidebar and perform one or more of the following tasks.
- To show that you like an update or a comment on a status update, click Like. We can tell how many people liked an update or comment from the number that displays next to the Like
icon. Click the icon to see who liked the update or comment.
- To comment on a status update, hover over the update and click Comment. Enter the comment in the field, and then click Post.
- To mention a colleague in the status message or comment and share the comment directly with them, enter the at (@) symbol followed by the person's name, and then select the person's name from the drop-down list that displays. When you post the comment, a notification email is sent to the person, and a message is also posted to their profile to let them know that you mentioned them.
If the community is private and the person is not a member, they do not receive any notification about the message.
- When you include URLs in the status messages, they are automatically converted to hyperlinks. We can also preview any URLs containing videos.
- To delete a status update or comment added, hover over the update or comment and click the Delete
icon. Then click Delete again.
- To access more options for working with a status update, hover over the update and click it to display a window with more options for working with the update. Click anywhere outside the window to close it.
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Get the latest updates from the community