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Accept membership requests

When we are the owner of a moderated community, you receive an email notification and a notification in the Action Required view in the activity stream whenever someone requests to join the community. You also get a notification in My Notifications. To not accept a membership request, we can ignore or delete the request notification.

To accept a membership request, add the email sender to the community for which they requested membership by completing the following steps.

  1. Open the email request, and click Add this Person as a Member. The Add Members form displays, with the name of the person requesting membership automatically added to the Members field.

  2. Click Save to add the person to the community.


The new member receives an email notification informing them they have been added to the community.

Parent topic:
How do I add community members?

Related concepts:

How do I join a community?


Add members to the community

Invite people to join a community

Import multiple members into a community