What are blogs?
- The Latest Blog Entries displays a list of blog posts that we can sort by date, title, recommendations, comments, and visits. We can view in a list view or detailed view, where each entry displays the entry title, tags, blog name, date posted, number of recommendations, number of comments, and author.
- The Featured Blogs section highlights the most currently active blogs.
- Though tags are optional, they are recommended as a method to improve searching and build folksonomies. The tagging in blogs makes the body of information increasingly easy to search, discover, and navigate over time.
- The Most Liked section shows a list of blog entries with the highest ratings.
- The Most Visits section lists the blogs whose entries have been viewed the most.
- The Most Commented section provides a list of blog entries with the most comments, letting you share your thoughts and opinions with your colleagues, business partners, or customers.
A blog can have a single author or allow for multiple contributors. Invite others to provide feedback comments on what you post. Blogs give you the tools to collect and share information.
We can access the blog from the My Blogs page. From the Public Blogs page we can browse for blogs, read recent entries, see what others are viewing or liking, and even start our own blog. We can customize the way information is presented by sorting the display on the page. For example, we can sort either the list of blogs or the list of blog entries by date, title, likes/votes, comments, or visits. Click a blog title to view a blog or click an entry title to view an entry. Sort, browse, view, and post – get involved with blogs!