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Uninstall the Connections Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint

Deactivate the Connections features and uninstall the plug-in to remove it from Microsoft SharePoint.

Follow these steps to uninstall the plug-in.

  1. To disable business card integration, remove the tags added to the master page:

    • Remove the tag for the Connections profile user control from the header of the page:

        <%@ Register TagPrefix="Connections" tagname="ProfileScript" src="~/_controltemplates/ConnectionsProfileScript.ascx" %>

    • Remove the Connections profile user control tag from the footer of the body of the master page:

        <Connections:ProfileScript ID="ConnProfileScript" runat="server"/>

  2. Deactivate the Connections features. Deactivate the Connections Tag Cloud and Search IBM Connections Profiles features from all Site Collections. For a particular site, we can deactivate the features from Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Site Collection Features. We can also deactivate features with the Disable-SPFeature command from the Management Shell. See Microsoft documentation.

  3. Retract all Connections solutions from the Microsoft SharePoint server farm. You must retract all Connections plug-in solutions from the server farm. We can do this from the Central Administration site or from the Management Shell. Retract all ConnectionsPluginCore(<LCID>).wsp language pack solutions before you remove ConnectionsPluginCore.wsp. Refer to the Microsoft documentation for retracting solutions.

  4. Navigate to the folder where you extracted the plug-in files for installation and run Uninstall.bat. The uninstallation program removes all plug-in solutions and plug-in properties from the server farm. Uninstall information is logged to plugin directory\logs\uninstall-timestamp.log.

Parent topic:
Install the Connections Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint