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Install the Connections Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint

The IBM Connections Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint brings IBM Connections features such as searching by tag, searching by profile, and viewing business cards, into the SharePoint environment.

IBM Connections Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint requires Microsoft SharePoint 2010.

Install language packs for Microsoft SharePoint to the server farm before installing this plug-in. The plug-in automatically installs language pack solutions for all the supported languages installed in the server farm. If we install more language packs to the server farm after you install the plug-in, run the configuration wizard again to make the additional languages available to the plug-in.

Follow these steps to install the plug-in.

  1. On the SharePoint server, extract the plug-in contents to a location we can remember.

    For example, C:.IBM\Lotus\Connections.

  2. Run the Install.bat program to launch the plug-in installation and configuration wizard

  3. Review the URLs for accessing the Connections Profiles and Search servers. The URLs are automatically supplied, based on the Profiles Server URL, but we can change them if necessary.

  4. Modify the settings for the Profiles search.

  5. Click OK to complete the installation. Information from the installation is logged to plugin directory\logs\install-<timestamp>.log.

    If we must modify the configuration after you install, navigate to where you extracted the plug-in files for installation. Then, run ModifyPluginConfig.bat This command launches the plug-in configuration wizard and allows you to change your settings or install additional language packs. Update information is logged to...

      plugin directory\logs\update-timestamp.log

What to do next

If anonymous authentication is enabled in the Internet Information Services (IIS) manager, then the API used by the SharePoint widget does not work as expected. To check whether anonymous authentication is enabled in IIS:

  1. Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. In the Connections section, expand the server, and then expand Sites.

  3. Select the SharePoint site. The default is SharePoint - 80.

  4. Double-click the icon for Authentication.

  5. Check to see whether there is an entry for Anonymous Authentication.

If anonymous authentication is not actually needed on this SharePoint server, we can disable it in IIS. However, if anonymous authentication is required then disable anonymous authentication for only the URL pattern used by the plug-in API, :

  1. Create a supplemental web configuration file that is called webconfig.Connections.xml. For instructions on creating the configuration file, see the Microsoft article on creating a supplemental configuration file. Add this code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <remove path="configuration/location[@path='_layouts/lcphandler.ashx']" />
      <add path="configuration">
        <location path="_layouts/lcphandler.ashx" allowOverride="false">
                 <deny users="?" />

  2. Place the file in the \CONFIG folder of the SharePoint server. The default location for SharePoint 2010 is C:.Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\CONFIG and the default location for SharePoint 2007 is C:.Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\CONFIG .

  3. Open the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell

  4. Run the command stsadm -o copyappbincontent

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 on all front-end web servers.

After installing the SharePoint widget, refer to the instructions in the topic Use the SharePoint widget for instructions on how to configure the widget to connect to the SharePoint Server.

Parent topic:
IBM Connections Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint