Connections Portlets for WebSphere Portal: Installation options
Property Value -DICportletWebapp Name of the Connections Portlets web application deployed after you execute the deploy-paa command. We can log in to the WAS admin console under the enterprise applications screen to determine the correct setting. Default is PA_icWEFPtlts. -DICshowContentTitleInPortlet true -DICshowForumSummaryFiltersInCommunity false -DICshowResponseFormInline false. When set to true, display the input form for forum topic replies and blog comments inline. -DICdojoLayers -DICconnectionsContextRoot The connections context root used for making requests for resources by the Activity Stream portlet. The default is connections. -DICwebResourcesURL -DICwebResourcesURLUnsecured -DICwebResourcesContextRoot The context root used for making requests for resources by the Activity Stream and Library portlets. The default is connections/resources. -DICdateType Possible values are client (the default) or server. This is used to handle the date conversion in portlets for the client timezone or server timezone, respectively. The server option is only supported on WebSphere Portal 8.0.01 with CF12 applied, or greater.
-DICdateFormat Used to define the target date pattern when the server timezone setting is applied. For examples of date formats, see the table of date formats in this wiki article on Set parameters to format dates.
Property Value -DICactivitiesURL -DICprofilesURL -DICcommunitiesURL -DICblogsURL -DICbookmarksURL -DICforumsURL -DICwikisURL -DICsearchBaseURL
Property Value -DICprofilesContextRoot profiles -DICactivitiesContextRoot activities -DICcommunitiesContextRoot communities -DICblogsContextRoot blogs -DICbookmarksContextRoot dogear -DICforumsContextRoot forums -DICwikisContextRoot wikis -DICsearchContextRoot search -DICfilesContextRoot files.
Property Value -DICcommunitiesCacheSize 1024 -DICcommunitiesCacheLifetime 600 -DICmembersCacheSize 1024 -DICmembersCacheLifetime 600 -DICentitiesCacheSize 1024 -DICentitiesCacheLifetime 86400 -DICinterServiceCommunitiesURL When this URL is specified, VMM uses the URL for interservice communication. -DICinterServiceURL The interServiceURL is used in the Siteminder and SPNEGO configuration. To get the value of the interservice URL, open the file LotusConnections-config.xml in the Connections deployment and get the value of the href attribute in the element <sloc:interService>. For example, If the element looks like this: <sloc:interService href="https://<host>:<port>"/>, the value you should pick is <host>:<port>.
For additional configuration changes needed for SiteMinder and SPNEGO configuration, see the topic Configure common directory services for the security configuration.
Parent topic:
Install the Connections Portlets for WebSphere Portal