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Install the Connections Portlets for WebSphere Portal


Install the Connections Portlets for IBM WebSphere Portal using the Portal Solutions Installer.

When Single Sign-On is enabled between Portal and Connections, the Portal administrator who installs and configures the Connections portlets must be a valid Connections user. You can make the following user the Portal administrator...

We can also create a Connections profile for the default Portal administrator in the Connections profiles database.

Anonymous Portal users can access the Connections portlets and are treated as anonymous Connections users. However, authenticated Portal users must also be valid Connections users or they will get an error when they try to access a Connections portlet.

If we have a version of the portlets prior to the Portlets Refresh release, which was installed manually without the PAA solution installer, we must uninstall the previous version before installing.

Upgrading from a previous version that was installed manually is not supported. Before running the PAA Solution installer, manually clear configuration settings from the previous installations. For example, remove any existing settings for the DynaCache, REP, search jars, or VMM configuration.

The PAA installer is available on Portal 8.

For earlier versions of Portal, download the Portlets Archive Install file, SNPortlets.paa

This task can be run with the server running or stopped.

For a cluster, complete installation steps on the primary node, and then again on all additional nodes.

Install Connections Portlets

  1. Start all node agents

  2. Install the PAA

    cd wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine     
    ./ConfigEngine.sh install-paa \

  3. Register the PAA.

    1. Start the portal server

    2. On the primary node, then all additional nodes, run...
      cd wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine     
      ConfigEngine deploy-paa \
                   -DappName=SNPortlets \
                   -DICinstallType=full \

      If we are deploying to a clustered environment, and the PAA file contains XMLAccess script files, add the following two parameters to the deploy-paa task:

      These values define the time the wplc-wait-for-sync-to-complete task waits to synchronize the nodes.  Default values...

      • -DmaxTimeToWait=30
      • -DmaxAppTimeToWait=5 

      The values are in minutes.  If the clustered environment requires a longer synchronize time, add these parameters to the deploy-paa task with values that meet the requirements.

  4. Configure the portlets.

    1. Start the server

    2. Complete installation steps on primary node, and then all additional nodes.
      cd wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine     
      ConfigEngine configure-SNPortlets \
                   -DICversion=5.0 \
                   -DICemailSetting=[emailSetting] \
                   -DICtagSearchType=[tagSearchType] \
                   -DICdsxAdminId=[dsxAdminId] \
                   -DICbaseURLunsecured=[baseURLunsecured] \
                   -DWasPassword=[was-admin-pwd] \

      For example:

      ConfigEngine configure-SNPortlets \
                   -DICversion=5.0 \
                   -DICemailSetting=email-exposed \
                   -DICtagSearchType=mysearch \
                   -DICdsxAdminId=fadams \
                   -DICbaseURLunsecured=http://connections.myco.com \
                   -DWasPassword=[was-admin-pwd] \

  5. Allow requests to the FileNet server through the Ajax proxy.

  6. Configure Search.

    Complete the installation steps on the primary node and then all additional nodes.

    cd wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine     
    ConfigEngine configure-SNPortletsSearch \
                 -DICversion=5.0 \

  7. For the portal search service containing the search collections added for the Connections services, add a new parameter:


    ...with a value of...


    ...where ConnectionsResourceID is any IBM Connections resource identifier.  For example: 


  8. Restart the portal server

  9. Resynchronize the nodes.

  10. If required, configure common directory services security

  11. Verify portlets are successfully installed.

  12. Assign a performance-optimized profile to the pages so they meet portlets requirements.

    By default, if a full profile exists in the theme, it is assigned to the pages. As the full profile loads more content than what is required for the portlets, make sure to perform these steps before you go live with the solution.

Parent topic:
Installation Scenarios