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Configure unique names

Customize the default unique names for pages and the Connections portlet application ID for the environment to customize where users are redirected to render IBM Connections content in WebSphere Portal.

Use these steps for configuring unique names if we are deploying more than one of the same type of portlet on a page or to deploy portlets to an existing page that already has a unique name.

  1. Run this command to customize page names:

      ConfigEngine poc-customize-unique-names -DWasPassword=[was-admin-password]

    Use any of these optional parameters

    Property Value
    -DICportletAppId Specifies a different Portlet App ID for the Connections Portlets if the default, com.bowstreet.portlet.WebAppRunner2_snor.pf.portlets, is customized.
    -DICpocErrorPageUniqueName Unique name for the error page users should be taken to in Portal when no page can be found to display content from IBM Connections.
    -DICblogsStandalonePageUN Set the unique name of the page containing the Blogs portlet. The default is ibm.conn.blogs.
    -DICwikisStandalonePageUN Set the unique name of the page containing the Wikis portlet. The default is ibm.conn.wikis.
    -DICforumsStandalonePageUN Set the unique name of the page containing the Forums portlet. The default is ibm.conn.forums.
    -DICactivitiesStandalonePageUN Set the unique name of the page containing the Activities portlet. The default is ibm.conn.activities.
    -DICprofilesStandalonePageUN Set the unique name of the page containing the Profiles portlet. The default is ibm.conn.profiles.
    -DICbookmarksStandalonePageUN Set the unique name of the page containing the Bookmarks portlet. The default is ibm.conn.bookmarks.

  2. If we have multiple detail portlets deployed on a single stand-alone page, run the previous command and set the unique names for the pages to the same value. For example:

      ConfigEngine poc-customize-unique-names -DICblogsStandalonePageUN=ibm.conn.common.standalone.page -DICwikisStandalonePageUN=ibm.conn.common.standalone.page -DICprofilesStandalonePageUN=ibm.conn.common.standalone.page -DWasPassword=foo

    This indicates that blogs, wikis, and profiles detail portlets are deployed on a page with the unique name ibm.conn.common.standalone.page.

  3. To remove the unique name customizations, run:

      ConfigEngine remove-poc-customized-unique-names -DWasPassword=[was-admin-password]

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Recommended configuration