The Activities portlet
With the Activities portlet, we can view and create activities, and work with to do items.
Use the Activities portlet
Use the Activities portlet to interact with the Connections Activities features. Use activities to organize the collaborative work without leaving the IBM WebSphere Portal environment.
The Activities Detail portlet has two views, My Activities and To Dos List.
The My Activities view displays activities that you created or that you belong to. From the My Activities view we can:
- Click Start an Activity to create an activity. Assign it a title and optionally enter a description, goal, or tags. Add members for the activity and save it to add it to the list.
- Click Completed to view completed activities.
- Click High priority to view activities that are flagged as needing the immediate attention.
- Click Medium priority to view activities that are not as pressing.
- Sort the view by clicking the column header for Last Updated or by Due Date.
Click an activity name to open it. From the activity, we can:
- Click Add to do item to create a to-do item. We can assign it to yourself or to another user. We can also optionally assign a priority, due date, tags, and a description.
- Click Add Entry to add an entry to the activity.
- Click Add Section to create a section to keep the activity organized.
- Respond to a to-do item by marking it complete, or click More to add a comment, edit, or delete the to-do item.
- If we are the activity owner, click Members to add members to the activity. We can assign a member owner, author, or reader access.
- View emails and chat transcripts that are saved to the activity. Comment on this content or create associated to do items.
Edit the shared settings for the Activities portlet
You must have at least editor access for the page and for the portlet to be able to edit shared settings for Connections features. For more information about access levels, see the WebSphere Portal wiki. Settings you enter on this page can be overridden by settings on the Personalize page for a portlet. Choose Edit Shared Settings from the portlet menu and choose which view to display in the portlet:
Configure the Activities portlet
You must have administrative access to the portlet to be able to configure it. Choose Configure from the portlet menu and configure these options:
Option Description Display icon to open IBM Connections in a browser window Display an icon that opens IBM Connections in a browser so users can fully access the application. Display link to open IBM Connections in a browser window Activity title links to open the recent updates page for that activity in a browser window. Display page controls only in bottom bar Hides the page controls in the header of the window. Clear the check box to display paging controls in the header as well as the footer of the page.
Parent topic:
Use the Connections Portlets for WebSphere Portal