Use the workbench to collect data on AIX and Linux
Use the IBM Support Assistant workbench to collect data reported by IBM Connections.
Review the Troubleshooting techniques to determine if the problem has already been encountered by someone else and whether there is a resolution or workaround available.
You must know which servers host which applications and the administrative user name and password for each of the IBM WebSphere Application Servers upon which the Connections applications are installed. If we do not know this information, find it out before running the tool.
We cannot collect data from an IBM AIX or Linux system using the IBM Support Assistant workbench. Instead, use an application called IBM Support Assistant lite. To get the lite client, we must export it from the workbench. To export the ISA lite client and run it:
- Start the IBM Support Assistant workbench.
- From the welcome page, click the Analyze Problem icon.
- Click the Collect Data tab.
- In the Remote Collection section, click using IBM Support Assistant Lite.
- From the Select a collector list, select IBM Connections 4.5.
- In the Target Directory for Exported Collector field, browse to the directory to which to store IBM Support Assistant Lite.
- We can rename the .zip file that gets created by adding the new file name to the Collector File Name field or accept the default name.
- Click Export.
- If the Connections applications are hosted by a system or systems other than the current one, from the directory to which you exported it, copy the lite .zip file to the systems hosting the Connections applications.
- From the system hosting the applications, extract the lite .zip file, which is named by default.
- Edit the permissions to the .sh files that you extracted. For example: chmod 777 *.sh
- Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable on the computer ... export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java
- Start IBM Support Assistant lite ... ./
- Select the application for which to collect data from the following list:
- IBM Connections Activities Collection
- IBM Connections Authentication Collection
- IBM Connections Blog Collection
- IBM Connections Bookmarks Collection
- IBM Communities Collection
- IBM Connections DB2 Collection
- IBM Connections Files Collection
- IBM Connections Forums Collection
- IBM Connections General Collection
- IBM Connections Homepage Collection
- IBM Connections IBM HTTP Server Collection
- IBM Connections Install Collection
- IBM Connections MailIn Collection
- IBM Connections Metrics Collection
- IBM Connections Mobile Collection
- IBM Connections News Collection
- IBM Connections Notifications Collection
- IBM Connections Profiles Collection
- IBM Connections ReplyTo Collection
- IBM Connections Search Collection
- IBM Connections Profiles TDI Configuration Collection
- IBM Connections Wikis Collection
- Provide a path and a file name for the collection. Include the .zip file extension, and then click Collect Data.
You might be asked for information during the data collection process. For example, you might be asked for the name of the WAS that hosts an application or for the administrative user ID and password of the server. Provide the information requested. The data collector informs you when processing is completed.
- Provide the collection of data to IBM Support. As you use the collector wizard, it gives you the option of sending the collected data to IBM Support over FTP. We can choose to send the data to IBM using FTP or provide it separately.
Parent topic:
Use the IBM Support Assistant workbench