Troubleshoot inter-server communication
For problems establishing communication between servers in the deployment, verify server URLs in LotusConnections-config.xml, which....
- Contains the fully qualified DNS name of the host server for each of the Connections applications,
- The DNS name matches the domain name in the self-signed certificate used by the host server
For example, if a server's domain name is not configured correctly, problems might occur when a Search indexing task is executing and it attempts to crawl the specified target application's' secured seedlists.
To configure an inter-service URL for one of the Connections application servers:
- Check out the configuration files...
./ -jython
LCConfigService.checkOutConfig("/tmp","cell_name")To determine cell:
print AdminControl.getCell()
- To find out the current value of a property:
- Replace the IP address for the specified host server with the fully-qualified DNS name or short DNS name for the server.
where property is one of the following:
- application_name.href
- application_name.ssl.href
- application_name.interService.href
...and value is the full DNS name for the specified host server.
For example:
LCConfigService.updateConfig("dogear.ssl.href", "")
- Save the changes and then check the configuration files back in :
exitRun the checkin during the same wsadmin session in which you ran the checkout command.
- Stop and restart all of the Connections application servers.
Parent topic:
Troubleshooting tips
Start the wsadmin client
Common configuration properties