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Checking events generated by user life-cycle commands

View traces in the log files to get information about the user life-cycle commands sent from Profiles to the other Connections applications.

User life-cycle commands are built on top of the event infrastructure. When an update is made to a user using one of the life-cycle commands, a message is sent over the event infrastructure from Profiles to the other applications.

To check the user life-cycle commands are being sent from Profiles to the other applications.

  1. Enable trace logging for the com.ibm.lconn.lconn.events process in the WAS.

  2. Check the log files for information relating to events. Log entries relating to the user life-cycle commands sent from Profiles to the other applications are identified with the prefix, com.ibm.lconn.events.*.

    When a user is updated, a message is sent over the event infrastructure to other applications, and the log looks similar to the following.

    [28/04/10 19:01:24:053 IST] 00000032 JMSPublisher 3 com.ibm.lconn.events.internal.publish.impl.JMSPublisher publishEvent
    Event data ***************
    _er_id: 26c21157-4d43-4534-ad07-d44f86832c91
    _er_time: 1272477684021
    _er_source: PROFILES
    _er_type: COMMAND
    _er_name: user.record.update
    _er_scope: PUBLIC _er_related_community: null _er_actor: null _er_actor_name: null _er_actor_email: null _er_properties: {"updated_directoryid":"S-1-401595654-2584217272-3161732908-1084554606-880431025-3930541184","_msg_id":"0","updated_email":"ajones141@myco.com","directoryid":"S-1-401595654-2584217272-3161732908-1084554606-880431025-3930541184","updated_logins":"[\"ajones141\",\"ajones141@myco.com\"]","updated_name":"Updated Sample Name"}
    _er_container_id: null _er_container_name: null _er_container_html_path: null 
    _er_item_id: null _er_item_name: null _er_item_html_path: null _er_item_atom_path: null ***************
    The previous example shows the update that was triggered when the following command was issued:

      ProfilesService.updateUser("ajones141@myco.com", displayName="Updated Sample Name")

Parent topic:
Troubleshooting user data propagation


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