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Copy data from Connections 4.x content stores to 5.0 deployment

Create new content stores while installing IBM Connections 5.0.

We can reuse content stores from the Connections 4.x deployment by copying the data to the new content stores in the 5.0 deployment. We do not need to copy local content stores because those directories are recreated by the 5.0 deployment.

Locate the content stores in the Connections 4.x deployment and copy the 4.x data to the corresponding content store in the IBM Connections 5.0 deployment.

If we are doing a side-by-side migration, you may need to rename the profiles and statistics subdirectories after copying to reflect the node and cluster names on the target system.

Use the following as a guide to organizing the content stores:

The list excludes search-related data from the Connections 4.0/4.5 content stores, including indexes and statistics. The 5.0 installation generates new search-related data.

If we created additional content stores, copy those content stores as well as the default content stores in the table. For Activities, for example, the content stores that copy are defined in the objectStore element of oa-config.xml.

Parent topic:
Content store migration