Configure collaborative features in FileNet
We can set up and maintain FileNet collaborative features using the ACCE console on the FileNet system. Specifically, we use FileNet FP3 to create an Object Store.
The Config 1 and Config 2 properties below are optional in case the FileNet deployment for some reason does not work correctly using the 'connectionsAdmin' J2C alias contained in WebSphere Application Server.
- Open the ACCE console on the FileNet system with a supported web browser.
To determine suppored browsers...
By component | Administrative Console for Content Engine | Prerequisites | Web Browser support
- Login with the administrator's username and password and click...
Object Stores node myobjectstore (right-click) | Open | Search | New Object Store | Search | Class dropdown | Collaboration Configuration | OK
If the object store was created using, the name is ICObjectStore.
A single row is returned.
- Click the result link in the ID column to open it for viewing and editing:
- In the results view tab, click the Properties inner tab.
- Scroll down to set the following configuration properties: Set the following properties for the Content Platform Engine activity stream generation to function properly."
Property Description Activity Stream Retrieval URL URL for FileNet Collaboration Services.
Enter exactly as shown: {ecm_files} including the braces {}.
Activity Stream HTTP Endpoint URL Base URL for Connections, for example:
We must use HTTPS. Do not add an extra slash at the end of the URL. This should use the host and port of the HTTP server. To test Activity Stream without the HTTP server, this must be the port of the application server hosting the Connections News application. HTTP server configuration is a mandatory post-installation step.
Activity Stream Gadget URL Fully hard-coded Gadget URL:
Enter this url exactly as shown, including the text: {connections}.
Config 1 Holds password for the Connections user defined in the Config 2 property and will be encrypted after input. This field may be left empty if Config 2 is also left blank. Config 2 Holds the login name of a Connections user and will be encrypted after input. This user must be in the... trustedExternalApplication
...on the Widget Container application in Connections. By default, the Connections administrator has these privileges and may be used here. If this field is left blank, the connectionsAdmin J2C alias will be used when FileNet contacts the Connections Activity Stream. This user alias is used for inter-service communication in other parts of Connections, and normally will have the necessary rights. To use a dedicated user other than the login stored in connectionsAdmin, or if you have a standard FileNet deployment where this alias does not exist, you may override the user ID here. If this field is entered, also enter the password in Config 1.
Activity Stream Extended Settings Activity Stream Extended Settings may be left empty. To set Activity Stream Extended Settings, take the following steps.
- Click the action menu associated with the Property Value for this entry and select Display or Edit Value.
- Sequentially enter the following five entries by placing each of the strings in the Enter a string value field and clicking Add for each entry. When finished, click OK.
- activityStreamRetrievalURL={0}/atom/library/{1}%3B{2}/{3}/{4}/entry
- activityStreamAnonymousRetrievalURL={0}/atom/anonymous/library/{1}%3B{2}/{3}/{4}/entry
- activityStreamOauthRetrievalURL={0}/atom/oauth/library/{1}%3B{2}/{3}/{4}/entry
- activityStreamFileLinkURL={0}/atom/library/{1}/document/{2}/media/{3}
- activityStreamNullifyActionableURL={0}/connections/opensocial/basic/rest/activitystreams/@me/@all/@all/{1}
Download Count Ignored User Ids A multi-value property (MVP) string that holds the SIDs of users whose content downloads will not be counted. This list must include the user used by Connections to index Connections Content Manager libraries into Connections search.
By default, for a new FileNet deployment, this user is the same as the Connections administrative user.
For an existing FileNet deployment, this is the administrative user you provided during the installation of Connections Content Manager. This user is referenced by the FileNet Admin J2C authentication alias as configured in...
WebSphere Administration | Security | Global Security | Java Authentication and Authorization Service | J2C authentication data
Use the task Generate SID Values to find the SID for the user and enter the value here.
Download Count Anonymous User Ids An MVP string that holds the SIDs of users whose content downloads will be counted as anonymous. Activity Stream Ignored Users Ids An MVP string that holds the SIDs of users whose activities will not be added to the feed. The Activity Stream Ignored User Ids may be left empty. Complete this value if there are users whose activities should not be posted to the activity stream. For instance, if you have a system user used for migrating content into FileNet, include the system user in this list so their activities do not overwhelm new events in the activity stream.
- After editing properties, click Save and then Close.
Parent topic:
Configure the FileNet deployment used by Libraries
Libraries and the Activity Stream