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Communities properties

To change Communities configuration settings:

  1. Start wsadmin...

    To determine cellname:

  2. To view a list of the valid Communities configuration settings and their current values:

    Sample output:

      activeContentFilter.enabled = true
      descriptionSummary.size = 300
      explicitMembershipEntityLimit = 100000
      group.enabled = true
      group.membershipCache.maximumAgeOnLoginInSeconds = 120
      group.membershipCache.maximumAgeOnRequestInSeconds = 120
      handle.enabled = true
      pagingSupport.communityListTags.pageSize = 75
      pagingSupport.dbNameTypeAhead.pageSize = 50
      pagingSupport.defaultPageSize = 10
      pagingSupport.ldapNameSearch.pageSize = 50
      pagingSupport.memberNameTypeAhead.pageSize = 15
      pagingSupport.tagNameTypeAhead.pageSize = 10
      show.startCommunity.To.Unauthenticated = true
      task.EventLogCleanup.enabled = true
      task.EventLogCleanup.interval = 0 30 0-23/3 ? * *
      task.LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents.enabled = true
      task.LifecycleRetryQueuedEvents.interval = 0 1 0-23/3 ? * *

  3. To change a Communities configuration setting:

    For example:

      CommunitiesConfigService.updateConfig("descriptionSummary.size", "500")

  4. Use CommunitiesConfigService.showConfig() to display the list of properties and their updated values.

    These are the values that will be checked in with CommunitiesConfigService.checkInConfig().

  5. Repeat step 3 for each property setting to change.

  6. Check the configuration files back in.

    They must be checked in during the same wsadmin session in which they were checked out for the changes to take effect.

  7. Sync nodes and restart Communities servers.


Parent topic:
Administer Communities


Apply property changes in Communities