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Add an alternate owner to Communities

Use scripts accessed using wsadmin-line tool to designate an alternate owner for the communities and subcommunities owned by a specific user.

The administrative command for adding an alternate community owner does not require a server restart to take effect, and no file checkout is necessary.

If a community owner needs to transfer or share ownership of their communities and subcommunities, for example if they are going on sabbatical or leaving the organization, we can add another user as an alternate owner of those communities and subcommunities. When you assign an alternate owner to the communities and subcommunities owned by a particular user, we can choose to leave the existing owner in their role as owner, or remove them from the community and subcommunity membership.

To add an alternate owner to the communities and subcommunities owned by a specific user.

  1. Start wsadmin...

  2. Start the Communities Jython script interpreter :


  3. Run:

    CommunitiesService.addAlternateOwner(String directoryUuid, String alternateDirectoryUuid, Boolean removeOriginal)

    Adds the user with the specified alternateDirectoryUuid as an owner to every community and subcommunity owned by the user with the specified directoryUuid (external ID).



    A string that specifies the directory UUID (external ID) of an existing community or subcommunity owner.


    A string that specifies the directory UUID (external ID) of the person who to add as the alternate owner.


    A Boolean value that determines whether the person specified using the directoryUuid (external ID) parameter is removed from the membership of their communities and subcommunities. When set to true, the user with the specified directoryUuid is removed from their community and subcommunity membership. When set to false, the user with the specified directoryUuid remains listed as an owner of their communities and subcommunities.

    For example:

      CommunitiesService.addAlternateOwner ("193F1CE8-E10A-4B9A-B933-C8ECD6C072E4", "EC8A89C0-F41D-102C-9B60-F225BC6C4AF4", "true")

    To obtain the value to use for the directoryUuid and alternateDirectoryUuid parameters, we can use the following command:


    In the following example, for any community (or subcommunity) where Paul Smith is an owner, user Alice Lee is added to the membership list with owner access, and Paul Smith is removed from the membership list:

      wsadmin>CommunitiesMemberService.getMemberExtIdByEmail ("paul_smith@myco.com")
      wsadmin>CommunitiesMemberService.getMemberExtIdByEmail ("alice_lee@myco.com")
      ("510b99c0-0123-1010-8989-f78755f7e0ed", "510b99c0-0101-102e-8934-f78755f7e0ed", "true")

Parent topic:
Manage membership in Communities


Remove members from communities

Add owners and members to a community