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Run administrative commands

Administrative commands interact with Connections applications using wsadmin AdminControl objects. Script use MBeans to set administration properties. Member information, and access level information are represented as hash tables. Many of the commands return a vector of hash tables representing application resources. Tasks include deleting, archiving, and restoring. Parameters formatted as vectors of hash tables.

SOAP requestss are made to the target Connections application. If requests are timing out, increase com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout in...

Note that commands continue to be processed by the application, even when the client connection is lost.

  1. Access the configuration files:

      cd app_server_root/profiles/Dmgr01/bin
      ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -user admin_user_id -password admin_password -port SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS_PORT

    ...where application_py_file is one of the following values:

      IBM Connections-wide connectionsConfig.py
      Activities activitiesAdmin.py
      Blogs blogsAdmin.py
      Bookmarks dogearAdmin.py
      Communities communitiesAdmin.py
      Files filesAdmin.py
      Forums forumsAdmin.py
      Home page homepageAdmin.py
      News newsAdmin.py
      Profiles profilesAdmin.py
      Search searchAdmin.py
      Wikis wikisAdmin.py
      Metrics metricsAdmin.py

    If we are prompted to specify a service to connect to, type 1 to select the first node in the list. Most commands can run on any node. If the command writes or reads information to or from a file by using a local file path, we must select the node where the file is stored. This information is not used by the wsadmin client when we are making configuration changes.

  2. Edit administrative properties and run administrative tasks by using administrative commands. These commands are documented in the individual application sections of the product documentation.

Parent topic:
Administration tools

Related reference:

Configure OAuth for gadgets