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Message-driven beans, activation specifications, and listener ports

Guidelines, related to versions of WebSphere Application Server, to help choose when to configure your message-driven beans to work with listener ports rather than activation specifications.

We can configure the following resources for message-driven beans:

Activation specifications are the standardized way to manage and configure the relationship between an MDB running in WAS and a destination in IBM MQ. They combine the configuration of connectivity, the Java Message Service (JMS) destination and the runtime characteristics of the MDB, within a single object.

Activation specifications supersede the use of listener ports, which became a stabilized feature in WAS v7.0. There are several advantages to using activation specifications over listener ports:

For WAS v7 and later, listener ports are stabilized. We should plan to migrate the IBM MQ message-driven bean deployment configurations from using listener ports to using activation specifications. For more information about how to configure activation specifications for non-ASF mode, see Configure activation specifications for non-ASF mode. However, we should not begin this migration until we are sure the application does not have to work on application servers earlier than WAS v7. For example, if we have an application server cluster with some members at v6.1 and some at a later version, we should not migrate applications on that cluster to use activation specifications until after we migrate all the application servers in the cluster to the later version. (ZOS) Also, when we migrate to activation specifications on the z/OS platform, enable the Control Region Adjunct (CRA) process of the application server (either by selecting Enable JCA based inbound message delivery on the JMS provider settings panel, or using the manageWMQ command to include starting the CRA process as part of starting an application server).

To use message-driven beans with a messaging provider that does not have a JCA Version 1.5 or 1.6 resource adapter, we cannot use activation specifications and therefore configure beans against a listener port. There are also a few scenarios in which, although we could use activation specifications, we might still choose to use listener ports. For example, for compatibility with existing message-driven bean applications. Here are some guidelines, related to versions of WAS, to help us choose when to use listener ports rather than activation specifications:

To assist in migrating listener ports to activation specifications, the WAS administrative console provides a Convert listener port to activation specification wizard on the Message listener port collection panel. This allows us to convert existing listener ports into activation specifications. However, this function only creates a new activation specification with the same configuration used by the listener port. It does not modify application deployments to use the newly created activation specification.


  • Message-driven beans - JCA components
  • J2C activation specification configuration and use
  • Message-driven beans - listener port components
  • Migrate a listener port to an activation specification for use with the IBM MQ messaging provider
  • Configure an activation specification for a third-party JCA resource adapter
  • Configure an administered object for a third-party JCA resource adapter
  • Manage message listener resources for message-driven beans
  • Configure an activation specification for the default messaging provider
  • Deploy an enterprise application to use message-driven beans with JCA 1.5-compliant resources
  • Deploy an enterprise application to use message-driven beans with listener ports