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Migrate a listener port to an activation specification for use with the IBM MQ messaging provider

For WebSphere Application Server v7 and later, listener ports are stabilized. We must therefore plan to migrate the IBM MQ message-driven bean deployment configurations from using listener ports to using activation specifications.

EJB 2.0 message-driven beans cannot be configured against JCA 1.5-compliant resources. If our bean is an EJB 2.0 application, upgrade it to EJB 3 or EJB 2.1 before you complete this task.

We can continue to configure EJB 3, EJB 2.1, and EJB 2.0 message-driven beans against a listener port. We might want to do this for compatibility with existing message-driven bean applications. However, listener ports are stabilized, and we should plan to migrate all your message-driven beans to use JCA 1.5-compliant or 1.6-compliant resources. For more information about when to use listener ports rather than activation specifications, see Message-driven beans, activation specifications, and listener ports.

For WAS v7 and later, listener ports are stabilized. We should plan to migrate the IBM MQ message-driven bean deployment configurations from using listener ports to using activation specifications. For more information about how to configure activation specifications for non-ASF mode, see Configure activation specifications for non-ASF mode. However, we should not begin this migration until we are sure the application does not have to work on application servers earlier than WAS v7. For example, if we have an application server cluster with some members at v6.1 and some at a later version, we should not migrate applications on that cluster to use activation specifications until after we migrate all the application servers in the cluster to the later version. (ZOS) Also, when we migrate to activation specifications on the z/OS platform, enable the Control Region Adjunct (CRA) process of the application server (either by selecting Enable JCA based inbound message delivery on the JMS provider settings panel, or using the manageWMQ command to include starting the CRA process as part of starting an application server).

Note that the Maximum retries listener port setting is not migrated to the new activation specification as there is no exact equivalent.

When we are migrating a listener port associated with a message-driven bean (MDB) with the subscriptionDurability activation configuration property set to Durable, and that MDB already has an active durable subscription, the durable subscription is not migrated. This is because listener ports and IBM MQ activation specifications use incompatible forms of subscription name. As a result there can be two active durable subscriptions subscribed to the relevant topic for the same MDB. As part of the migration process, we must delete the old durable subscription that was associated with the listener port and manually clean up any messages associated with it. For information on how do to this see the IBM MQ and IBM Integration Bus documentation.


  1. Start the administrative console.

  2. In the navigation pane, expandServers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers->server > [Communications] Messaging > Message listener service > [Additional Properties] Listener Ports > listener_port

    The Message listener port collection panel is displayed.

  3. Select the listener port to work with by selecting the check box next to the listener port name.

  4. Click Convert to activation specification to start the "Convert listener port to activation specification" wizard.

  5. On the "Step1: Supply activation specification name" page, enter the following information then click Next to continue:

    • The name of the new activation specification to be created.

    • The JNDI name of the new activation specification.

    • The scope of the new activation specification (Server, Node, Cluster, Cell). Note that Cluster only appears when the server is in a cluster.

  6. On the Step2: Summary page, click Finish to complete the creation of the new activation specification.

  7. Stop then restart the application server.

  8. To complete the configuration of the activation specification, see Configure an activation specification for the IBM MQ messaging provider.

  • Configure an activation specification for the IBM MQ messaging provider

    migrateWMQMLP command

    (ZOS) manageWMQ command

    (ZOS) JMS provider settings

  • IBM MQ messaging provider activation specification settings
  • createWMQActivationSpec command
  • deleteWMQActivationSpec command
  • listWMQActivationSpecs command
  • modifyWMQActivationSpec command
  • showWMQActivationSpec command

    IBM MQ library

    IBM Integration Bus library