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Example: Using scripting to drop scheduler tables

wsadmin tool to invoke a Jacl script and remove scheduler tables.

The following Jacl example script can be invoked using the wsadmin scripting tool, which removes the scheduler tables for a configured scheduler. See the " Configure Schedulers" topic for details on how a scheduler is created

# Example JACL Script to drop the scheduler tables

# The name of the scheduler to drop the tables for
set schedName "My Scheduler"

puts ""
puts "Looking-up Scheduler Configuration Helper MBean"
puts ""
set schedHelper [$AdminControl queryNames WebSphere:*,type=WASSchedulerCfgHelper]

#Access the configuration object.
set myScheduler [$AdminConfig getid /SchedulerConfiguration:$schedName/]

if {$myScheduler == ""} {
    puts ""
    puts "Error: Scheduler with name: $schedName could not be found."
    puts ""

# Invoke the dropTables method on the helper MBean.

puts ""
puts "Dropping tables for:"
puts "$myScheduler"
puts ""

if {[catch {
    set result [$AdminControl invoke $schedHelper dropTables $myScheduler]
    if {$result} {
        puts ""
        puts "Successfully dropped the tables."
        puts ""
    } else {
        puts ""
        puts "The tables were already dropped."
        puts ""
  } errorInfo ] } {
    puts ""
    puts $errorInfo
    puts ""

  • Configure schedulers
  • Configure schedulers using Java Management Extensions
  • Create scheduler tables using scripting and Java Management Extensions
  • Scheduler table management functions