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Bus-enabled web services: Frequently asked questions

A set of frequently asked questions about service integration bus-enabled web services are collected together in this topic.

What are web services?

Web services are modular applications that interact with one another across the Internet. Web services are based on shared, open and emerging technology standards and protocols (such as SOAP, UDDI, and WSDL) and can communicate, interact, and integrate with other applications, no matter how they are implemented.

What are bus-enabled web services?

We can associate the web services with the service integration bus, to achieve the following goals:

Bus-enabled web services also provide a choice of quality of service and message distribution options for web services, along with intelligence in the form of mediations that allow for the rerouting of messages.

What problems are solved by bus-enabled web services?

Bus-enabled web services solve the following problems:

Who should use bus-enabled web services?

Any enterprise that chooses to share its resources selectively with its business partners and customers. IT managers and developers, who deploy resources, can also benefit from this technology.

  • Enable web services through the service integration bus
  • Programming model APIs and specifications