Property extension repository settings
Configure a property extension repository used to store attributes that cannot be stored in existing repositories.
To view this administrative console page:
- In the administrative console, click Security > Global security.
- Under User account repository, select Federated repositories from the Available realm definitions field and click Configure.
To configure for a specific domain in a multiple security domain environment, click Security domains > domain_name. Under Security Attributes, expand User Realm, and click Customize for this domain. Select the Realm type as Federated repositories and then click Configure.
- Under Additional properties, click Property extension repository.
When we finish adding or updating the federated repository configuration, go to the Security > Global security panel and click Apply to validate the changes.
Data source name
JNDI name of the data source used to access the property extension repository.
Information Value Default: jdbc/wimDS
Database type
Type of database used for the property extension repository.
Information Value Default: DB2
JDBC driver
JDBC driver used to access the entry mapping repository.
Values include:
- DB2
- Oracle
- oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
- Informix
- com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver
- DataDirect Connect
- com.ddtek.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
- Derby
- org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
- Microsoft SQL Server
Database URL
The web address for the property extension repository.
Values include:
- DB2
- jdbc:db2:wim
- DB2 for z/OS
- jdbc:db2://hostname:port/DB2location
- Informix
- jdbc:informix-sqli://host_name:port/wim:INFORMIXSERVER=IFXServerName;
- DataDirect Connect
- jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver://host_name:1433;databaseName=wim;selectMethod=cursor;
- Derby
- jdbc:derby:c:\derby\wim
- Oracle
- jdbc:oracle:thin:@host_name:port:dbname
- Microsoft SQL Server
- jdbc:sqlserver://host_name:1433;databaseName=wim;selectMethod=cursor;
Database administrator user name
User name of the database administrator used to access the property extension repository.
Password used to enable the database administrator to access the property extension repository.
Entity retrieval limit
Maximum number of entities the system can retrieve from the property extension repository with a single database query.
Information Value Data type: Integer Default: 200
Configure a property extension repository in a federated repository configuration Manage the realm in a federated repository configuration