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Import policy set bindings settings

Specify a service client or provider policy set binding to import for our service.

Navigate to the General client policy set bindings or the General provider policy set bindings panel using one of the following ways:

Click Import. Specify a fully qualified path and binding name to use to import the policy set binding. The policy set binding file must be a compressed file.

Full Path with file name

Specify a fully qualified path and file name to the policy set file or use the browse button to locate the file in the file system.

(Windows) On Windows operating systems, there is a limit of 256 characters for file paths. The import might fail if the path to the binding file exceeds the limit of 256 characters. To overcome such problems, use file names that are short in length to reduce the file path length.

Select Use current binding name if we are not changing the binding name and click OK.

Select Specify a different name for this binding if we are changing the binding name. Provide a new name and click OK.

Button Resulting action
OK Import the specified binding file if valid or returns an error if an incorrect file is provided. We are returned to the General client or provider policy set binding panel after the import.
Cancel Returns you to the General client or provider policy set binding panel without importing a binding.

  • Import policy set bindings
  • Define and manage service client or provider bindings
  • Manage policy sets
  • Import and exporting policy sets to client or server environments
  • Application policy sets collection
  • Import policy sets from default repository settings
  • Import policy sets from a selected location settings
  • Export policy sets bindings settings