Provide JMS and EJB endpoint URL information
Specify Java Message Service (JMS) and EJB endpoint URL fragments for web services accessed through SOAP and JMS or directly as enterprise beans. Fragments are used to form complete endpoint addresses included in published Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files.
From the admin console, click...
Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name > Provide JMS and EJB endpoint URL information.
We can specify a fragment of the endpoint URL to be used in each web service module. In a published WSDL file, the URL defining the target endpoint address is found in the location attribute of the port's soap:address element.
If we are using web services modules configured to use JMS or configured to access enterprise beans directly, these modules are listed on this panel.
This administrative console page applies for JAX-WS and JAX-RPC web services.
In addition to the using the administrative console, we can use property files to configure and manage JMS and EJB endpoint URL fragments. To learn about using property files to set and manage the URL fragments, see the information about working with web services endpoint URL fragment property files.
URL fragment for JMS
Specifies a URL fragment for web services accessed through a JMS transport. We can enter a value used to define the soap:address of a web service. When WSDL files are published, a URL is formed using this fragment and is contained in the WSDL files.
The URL fragment that is entered as a value is a prefix to which the targetService property is appended to form a complete JMS URL endpoint. The default is obtained by examining the installed service's deployment information, for example, jms:jndi:jms/MyQueue&jndiConnectionFactoryName=jms/MyCF.
This information is obtained from the configured JMS endpoint for the web service, which is a Message Driven Bean (MDB) defined by the endpointEnabler command-line tool. We can modify the URL fragment, for example, by adding properties. The URL fragment is combined with the targetService property to form the complete URL, for example, jms:jndi:jms/MyQueue&jndiConnectionFactoryName=jms/MyCF&priority=5&targetService=GetQuote.
URL fragment for EJB
Specifies a URL fragment for web services accessed through an EJB binding. We can enter a value used to define the location attribute of the port's generic:address element of a Web service. This port address is contained in the WSDL compression file when the compression file is published using the field on the Publish WSDL zip file panel.
The URL fragment value entered is a suffix, which is appended to the initial part of the URL obtained by examining the web service's deployment information. For example, the following URL fragment can be obtained from the EJB's deployment information: wsejb:/com.acme.sample.MyStockQuoteHome?jndiName=ejb/MyStockQuoteHome.
In this case, we can enter the following information in the URL fragment field,, which results in this endpoint URL, wsejb:/com.acme.sample.MyStockQuoteHome?jndiName=ejb/MyStockQuoteHome&
Configure endpoint URL information for JMS bindings Use SOAP over JMS to transport web services Work with web services endpoint URL fragment property files EJB endpoint URL syntax IBM proprietary JMS endpoint URL syntax (deprecated)