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EJB endpoint URL syntax

An EJB endpoint URL is used to access a web service with the EJB Remote Method Invocation over Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (RMI-IIOP) transport. The URL specifies the EJB endpoint, including the EJB home class, the EJB JNDI name, and optional properties.

Important: IBM WebSphere Application Server supports JAX-WS and JAX-RPC. Using the strategic JAX-WS programming model, development of web services and clients is simplified through support of a standards-based annotations model. Although JAX-RPC and applications are still supported, take advantage of the easy-to-implement JAX-WS programming model to develop new web services applications and clients.

An EJB endpoint URL has the following format:


Property name Description
jndiName JNDI name of the EJB. This property is required.
initialContextFactory Name of the JNDI initial context factory. This property is optional
jndiProviderURL JNDI provider URL. This property is optional.

  • Use WSDL EJB bindings to invoke an EJB from a JAX-RPC Web services client