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Core group settings

Create a core group or to edit an existing core group. A core group is a component of the high availability manager function. It can contain stand-alone servers, cluster members, node agents, administrative agents, and the deployment manager.

Before creating a core group we must understand the relationship of core groups in a high availability environment and know how we intend to use each core group.

From the admin console, click...

Then, either select an existing core group or click New.

On the Configuration tab, we can edit fields. On the Runtime tab, we can look at read-only information.

After we specify our core group settings, click Apply before defining additional properties or setting up a core group bridge.


Name of the core group. This field can only be edited when we create new core groups.

If we are defining a new core group, specify a name that is unique among the existing core groups. It is useful to other product administrators if the name helps to define the use of this core group, and if it is consistent with the names of the other core groups in the cell.

This field can contain alpha and numeric characters. The following characters cannot be used in this field: # \ / , : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '

Also, the name cannot begin with a period (.) or a blank space. A blank space does not generate an error. However, leading and trailing blank spaces are automatically deleted.

For example, DefaultCoreGroup is the name of the core group containing the deployment manager server process.


This field is optional. If used, it should provide useful information about the core group. Use this field to help describe the purpose of a core group or to provide important information about a core group. For example, the value specified for Description for the default core group DefaultCoreGroup, provided with the product, is The default core group cannot be deleted..

The supported length of this field is large enough to accommodate long descriptions. However, long descriptions take time to load and can cause a delay when displaying the page.

Number of coordinators

Number of coordinators for this core group. The coordinator is the aggregation point for high availability manager information. The coordinator determines group membership and communicates state and status to the other members of the core group.

The default is one coordinator, although multiple coordinators are advisable for large core groups. All of the data for a core group must fit in the memory of the allocated coordinators. Therefore, if we have multiple coordinators, more memory is available to store the core group data. If a single coordinator is defined in a system with a large core group, the core group data might consume all of that coordinators memory, causing processing errors.

Transport memory size

Specifies, in megabytes, the maximum size of dynamically allocated memory that the transport can acquire. The range is from 10 to 2147483647 megabytes. However, this value cannot exceed the maximum heap size specified for the Java virtual machine. When this limit is reached, congestion control is invoked, and communication between core group members is limited, and processing errors might occur.

Transport type

Transport mechanism to use for communication between members of a core group. We must select either Channel framework or Unicast.

If a core group needs to use the core group bridge service, select Channel framework as the transport mechanism for that core group. If we select Unicast, we might receive error message CHFW0029E, which indicates that the transport chain could not be initialized because the address was already in use.

Deprecated feature: Support for unicast transports is deprecated. Select Channel framework as the transport type if the environment makes it possible to do so.depfeat

Transport chain

Name of the transport chain, if we select channel framework for the transport type.

Additional Properties

Related Items

Group name properties

One or more name=value pairs as the match criterion for a high availability group. If we specify more than one name=value pair, use a comma to separate the pairs. We can specify an asterisk (*) to obtain the selected information for all of the high availability groups within this core group.

We can specify multiple properties as the value in the Group name properties field. However, if we specify multiple properties, commas must be used to separate the properties. Blank spaces are not allowed in a value specified in this field.

When a component creates a new high availability group, it establishes a map of the properties for that group. This map becomes the group name, and is used to uniquely identify that high availability group.

After we specify a match criterion or an asterisk:

For example, suppose that the following high availability groups are defined for a core group:

If we specify policy=oneofN in the Group name properties field and then select Show groups, the groups for components A and C are listed.

If we specify owner=smith in the Group name properties field and then select Show groups, the groups for components A, B and C are listed.

If we specify name=compC,policy=oneofN,owner=smith, which is all of the name properties for component C, in the Group name properties field and then select Show groups, only the group for component C is listed.

  • Create a new core group (high availability domain)
  • View the core groups in a cell
  • Core group collection