Transport chain settings
View a list of the types of transport channels configured for the selected transport chain. A transport chain consists of one or more types of channels, each of which supports a different type of I/O protocol, such as TCP, HTTP, or DCS.
From the admin console, click...
Servers > Server Types > [WebSphere application servers or WebSphere proxy servers] > server name> Ports > port > View associated transports
Name of the selected transport chain.
We can edit this field to rename this transport chain. However, remember that the name must be unique within the product configuration.
When checked, this transport chain is activated at application server or proxy server startup.
Transport channels
Lists the transport channels configured for this transport chain and their configuration settings. Click the name of a transport channel to view the configuration settings for that channel.
Administer application servers Configure transport chains Object names: What the name string cannot contain Transport chains collection