Object names: What the name string cannot contain
When we create a new object using the administrative console or a wsadmin command, you often must specify a string for a name attribute.
Most characters are allowed in the name string. However, the name string cannot contain the following characters. The name string also cannot contain leading and trailing spaces.
Character Description / forward slash \ backslash * asterisk , comma : colon ; semi-colon = equal sign + plus sign ? question mark | vertical bar < left angle bracket > right angle bracket & ampersand (and sign) % percent sign ' single quote mark " double quote mark ]]> No specific name exists for this character combination. . period (not valid if first character; valid if a later character) # Hash mark $ Dollar sign ~ Tilde ( Left parenthesis ) Right parenthesis
- Character restrictions are not enforced for DataSource, ServiceLog, GroupExt, UserExt, or SubjectExt object names.
- Using one of the following methods to turn off character validation for custom property names, and for the name value of Property and J2EEResourceProperty configuration objects in wsadmin commands.
- Set the com.ibm.websphere.management.configservice.validatePropNames Java system property to false in the JVM for the deployment manager server.
- Set the com.ibm.websphere.management.configservice.validatePropNames property using the -javaoption parameter when we use wsadmin.shing in the local mode.
wsadmin -conntype none -javaoption "-Dcom.ibm.websphere.management.configservice.validatePropNames=false"
Work with server configuration files