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Perform basic XSLT operations

Use the XSLTExecutable instances created using XFactory.prepareXSLT methods to perform XSLT transformations.

XSLT stylesheets can be passed to the XFactory.prepareXSLT method using a JAXP Source object. The resulting XSLTExecutable instance is thread safe and can be reused to transform multiple input documents.



The following is a basic example of preparing and executing an interpreted transformation.

// Create the factory
XFactory factory = XFactory.newInstance();

// Create a StreamSource for the stylesheet
StreamSource stylesheet = new StreamSource("simple.xsl");

// Create an XSLT executable for the stylesheet
XSLTExecutable executable = factory.prepareXSLT(stylesheet);

// Create the input source
Source input = new StreamSource("simple.xml");

// Create the result
Result result = new StreamResult(System.out);

// Execute the transformation
executable.execute(input, result);

The following is a basic example of preparing and executing a compiled transformation.

// Create the factory
XFactory factory = XFactory.newInstance();

// Create a StreamSource for the stylesheet
StreamSource stylesheet = new StreamSource("simple.xsl");

// Create a new static context
XStaticContext staticContext = factory.newStaticContext();

// Enable the compiler

// Create an XSLT executable for the stylesheet
XSLTExecutable executable = factory.prepareXSLT(stylesheet, staticContext);

// Create the input source
Source input = new StreamSource("simple.xml");

// Create the result
Result result = new StreamResult(System.out);

// Execute the transformation
executable.execute(input, result);

The following is a basic example of creating an identity transformation.

// Create the factory
XFactory factory = XFactory.newInstance();
// Create the item factory
XItemFactory itemFactory = factory.getItemFactory();

// Create the input source
Source input = new StreamSource("simple.xml");
// Create the XItemView object from the input source
XItemView item = itemFactory.item(input);
// Create an XOutputParameters object
XOutputParameters params = factory.newOutputParameters();

// Set parameters
// Create the result
Result result = new StreamResult(System.out);
// Serialize to the result
item.exportItem(result, params);

The following is a basic example of creating a schema-aware transformation.

// Create the factory
XFactory factory = XFactory.newInstance();

// Enable validation

// Create the schema source
StreamSource schema = new StreamSource("schema.xsd");

// Register the schema

// Create the stylesheet source
StreamSource stylesheet = new StreamSource("schema.xsl");

// Create an XSLT executable for the stylesheet
XSLTExecutable executable = factory.prepareXSLT(stylesheet);

// Create the input source
StreamSource input = new StreamSource("schema.xml");

// Create the result
StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out);

// Execute the transformation
executable.execute(input, result);

  • Use static and dynamic contexts
  • Use external functions
  • Use external functions with XSLT
  • Use a source resolver at prepare time
  • Use a message handler
  • Use a message handler and managing exceptions
  • Choosing between the compiler and the interpreter
  • Use external variables
  • Use a source resolver at execution time
  • Use a result resolver at execution time
  • Registering a collection resolver
  • Work with collations