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Work with collations

XSLT stylesheets and expressions in XQuery and XPath can refer to collations using collation URIs. A collation is a set of culture-specific rules that define how text should be sorted and which differences between two pieces of text are considered significant and which insignificant.

This article assumes some basic familiarity with the java.util.Locale and java.text.Collator classes.

The processor does not interpret the collation URI in any way -- it treats a collation URI merely as a sort of name for the instance of the Java Collator class associated with that URI. The XML API provides mechanisms for specifying what will be the default collation URI at preparation-time and for associating an instance of the Java Collator class with a collation URI at execution-time.

All collation URIs specified through the XML API must be absolute URI references. In an XSLT stylesheet or an XQuery or XPath expression, any relative URI reference used in a context where a collation URI is required will be resolved against the base URI from the static context for that expression -- that will ensure that even relative URI references in the stylesheet or expression can be matched with the absolute URI references specified through the XML API.

