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List policy sets available for attachment

Use the wsadmin tool to list the supported policy sets available to attach to a web services resource. Attach policy sets to an application, web service, endpoint, or specific operation.

When administrative security is enabled, verify that we use the correct administrative role, as the following table describes:

Administrative role Authorization
Administrator The Administrator role must have cell-wide access to create policy set attachments. If we have access to a specific resource only, we can create policy set attachments for the resource for which we have access.
Configurator The Configurator role must have cell-wide access to create policy set attachments. If we have access to a specific resource only, we can create policy set attachments for the resource for which we have access.
Deployer The Deployer role with cell-wide or resource specific access can create policy set attachments for application resources only.
Operator The Operator role cannot create policy set attachments.
Monitor The Monitor role cannot create policy set attachments.

To use a new policy set to manage policies for our Web services application, we must attach the policy set to an asset or resource. When the application restarts, the application uses the policies from the newly attached policy set. The listSupportedPolicySets command lists the policy sets which are supported and can be attached to an application or other web services resource.


  1. Launch a scripting command.

  2. Run the command to list supported policy sets. The following example demonstrates how to use the -assetProps parameter to display policy sets that can be attached to a specific type of resource.

    List policy sets that can be attached to an application:

    AdminTask.listSupportedPolicySets ('[-assetProps [[application myApplication]]]')

    List policy sets that can be attached to a WS-Notification service client:

    AdminTask.listSupportedPolicySets ('[-assetProps [[bus bus1] [WSNService service1]]]')

    List policy sets that can be attached to a trust service resource:

    AdminTask.listSupportedPolicySets ('[-assetProps [[systemType trustService]]]')

    List policy sets that can be attached to a business-level application resource. Specify the business-level application (BLA) name and composition unit (CU) name. Two other properties, BLA edition and CU edition, are optional.

    AdminTask.listSupportedPolicySets ('[-assetProps [[blaName myBLA] [cuName
    This example uses the optional properties:
    AdminTask.listSupportedPolicySets ('[-assetProps [[blaName myBLA] [cuName
     compositionUnit1] [blaEdition BASE] [cuEdition 1.0]]]')

The command output is a list of policy set names. Use this list to determine which policy sets to attach to the web services resources.

What to do next

Manage and update our policy set attachments. See managing policy set attachments using the wsadmin tool.

  • Manage policy set attachments
  • Create policy sets
  • Add and remove policies
  • PolicySetManagement