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Query the trust service using wsadmin.sh

Use the wsadmin tool, which supports the Jython and Jacl scripting languages, to query the trust service for existing configuration settings. Use the commands in this topic to view current trust service configurations before adding, removing, or editing token provider and endpoint configurations.

Query your current token provider configurations or endpoint configurations using the STSManagement group of commands. Use the following Jython syntax command examples when writing automation scripts to retrieve configuration attributes and set the output to a variable. Pass the newly set variable to administrative commands in the STSManagement group to automate the editing of token provider and endpoint configurations.


What to do next

Use the wsadmin tool to manage and edit token provider and endpoint configurations.

  • Configure secure sessions between clients and services
  • Manage existing token providers
  • Associating token providers with endpoint services (targets)
  • STSManagement
  • Trust service targets collection
  • Trust service token providers collection