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Listeners for message-driven beans settings

For each message-driven bean (MDB) defined in either an ejb-jar.xml file or in an @MessageDriven annotation in the composition unit, we can specify the settings necessary to bind an MDB listener to the MDB.

By binding a listener to an MDB, we configure the association of the MDB with the JMS destination from which the MDB receives messages.

This panel shows one row of information for each MDB. The final three columns, Activation Specification JNDI Name, Destination JNDI Name, and Authentication Alias, specify the binding information.

If any binding setting is defined in an XML configuration file, or in an @MessageDriven annotation, that setting is displayed in the corresponding column, otherwise the column is empty. We can modify any existing binding settings, and specify new ones, as required, by entering values in the appropriate columns.

To view this panel in the administrative console, click one of the following paths:

The Bind listeners for message-driven beans wizard step and the Listeners for message-driven beans property are visible only if the OSGi application contains at least one EJB bundle that has at least one MDB.

General Properties

Bundle symbolic name

The non-localizable name for this bundle.

Bundle version

The version of this bundle.

The bundle symbolic name, together with the bundle version, uniquely identifies a bundle.


The URI of the location where the MDB is defined. The following table describes the syntax of the URI depending on the location of the MDB definition:

Location of MDB definition URI syntax Examples
ejb-jar.xml file Path to the file, followed by the name of the MDB. META-INF/ejb-jar.xml/CustomerDetails or WEB-INF/ejb-jar.xml/CustomerDetails
@MessageDriven annotation in an enterprise bean Path to the ejb-jar.xml file containing the definition of the MDB in which the @MessageDriven annotation is declared, followed by the name of the MDB. META-INF/ejb-jar.xml/CustomerDetails or WEB-INF/ejb-jar.xml/CustomerDetails

Activation Specification JNDI Name

The JNDI name of the activation specification to associate with the MDB. The activation specification provides the configuration necessary for the MDB to receive messages from a JMS destination.

Destination JNDI Name

The JNDI name of the JMS destination from which the MDB receives messages. Specify a value only to override the JMS destination configured on the activation specification.

Activation Specification Authentication Alias

If the activation specification is secured, specify the associated authentication alias that defines the user ID and password. Specify a value only to override the authentication alias configured on the activation specification.

Apply Multiple Mappings

We can apply a binding setting to two or more MDBs in a single operation. Complete the following steps:

  1. Select the check boxes, in the Select column, next to the MDBs to which we want to apply the binding setting.

  2. Expand Apply Multiple Mappings.

  3. Select the Activation Specification JNDI Name, Destination JNDI Name, or Activation Specification Authentication Alias binding setting to apply to the selected DBs, and click the corresponding Apply button.

The binding setting is applied to the selected MDBs.

  • Administrative console buttons
  • Administrative console preferences

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