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Modify an existing gateway instance

Modify the configuration of an existing gateway instance.

To list the gateway instances, and to view and modify their configuration details.


  1. Start the administrative console.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Additional Properties] Web service gateway instances. A list of all the gateway instances is displayed in a gateway instances collection form.

  3. Click the name of a gateway instance in the list. The current gateway instance settings for this gateway instance are displayed. The Name and Gateway namespace settings are displayed, but are not available for modification.

  4. Modify the following general properties:


    Modify the (optional) description of the gateway instance.

    Default proxy WSDL URL

    Either leave this field blank if the supplied generic template WSDL file is to be used, or type the location (web address) of our own equivalent template WSDL file.

    A gateway service that runs in proxy mode has no actual target services and therefore no WSDL document that the gateway can use to configure the service invocation. A generic template WSDL file is used to configure the basic parameters for the invocation call. See JAX-RPC handlers and proxy operation.

    We can also override the default proxy WSDL file and supply an alternative WSDL file for an individual proxy service when you create a new proxy service configuration or modify an existing proxy service configuration.

  5. Save changes to the master configuration.

If the processing completes successfully, the list of gateway instances is redisplayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

  • Deleting gateway instances
  • Web service gateway instances [Settings]