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Modify an existing gateway service configuration

Modify the configuration details for a gateway service.

When we modify an existing gateway service, we cannot modify the service name, or the request and reply destination names for the service. However we can change the mediations that act on the gateway service, and the configuration of the inbound web service enablement of the gateway service. We can also add, modify or delete target services and ports for this gateway service. We can add or delete a target service using the administrative console as described in this task, or using the addWSGWTargetService command or the removeWSGWTargetService command.

Any new target service that we add can be either an external web service, or a service that is available internally to our organization. It must be another implementation of the same logical service, so it must conform to the service description that already exists in the gateway service WSDL document. It must also be made available at a service integration bus destination. If an additional target service is already available at a destination (for example because it has already been configured as an inbound or outbound service), we provide the destination details as part of the new target service creation process. If an additional target service is not already available at a destination, or we choose not to provide the destination details, the additional target service is automatically configured to a new destination. Any target service can be located at a destination that is on a different bus to the gateway service.

To list the gateway services, and to view and modify their configuration details:


  1. Start the administrative console.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Additional Properties] Web service gateway instances -> instance_name -> Gateway Services. A list of gateway services is displayed in a gateway services collection form.

  3. Click the name of a gateway service in the list. The current settings for this gateway service are displayed.

  4. Modify the general properties. For information about each of these properties, see Gateway services settings.

    • We cannot modify the service name, or the request and reply destination names.

    • The lists of available mediations contain all mediations that are currently deployed to this service integration bus. If we have created a target selection mediation and deployed it to the bus, then it is available for selection in both these lists. If we do not want to use a mediation with this gateway service, select none from either or both drop-down lists.
    • Bus members are application servers or clusters that are added to this bus. The Request mediation bus member and the Response mediation bus member properties define the bus members to which the corresponding mediation is assigned. If we change the Request mediation or the Response mediation property value to (none), we should also change the corresponding bus member property value to (none). To use a mediation we must assign it to a bus member. If we do not do this, the administrative console displays an error message.
    • Because we can have more than one target service, you also specify a default target service. If we want greater flexibility as to which target service is invoked in any given situation, we should create a mediation that can select the required target service. See Target services and gateway services and Choose a target service and port through a routing mediation.

  5. Under the additional properties section, click Inbound web service enablement to modify the configuration as a web service of the inbound aspect of the gateway service. The gateway service receives and sends web service requests and responses by being configured as an inbound service. For information about configuring an inbound service, see Modifying an existing inbound service configuration.

  6. Under the additional properties section, click Target service to add, modify or delete a target service for this gateway service. A list of target services for this gateway service is displayed in a target services collection form.

  7. To add a new target service:

    1. Click New. The target services settings form is displayed.

    2. Target service name, bus name and destination name.

      • Choose a target service name that is unique across all gateway and proxy services within the current gateway instance. If we enter a name that is not unique, an error message is displayed.

      • The target service need not be available on the same bus as the gateway service, so specify the bus and associated service destination at which the target service is available.

      • The Bus name field lists all available buses. The Destination name field lists all available destinations. When we choose a bus and an associated destination, we must choose a destination that is available on the bus that we select. If we do not do this, the administrative console displays an error message.

    3. If the new target service is an external web service, in the additional properties section click Outbound web service enablement to create the new outbound service configuration for this target service. For information about configuring an outbound service, see Making an externally-hosted web service available internally.

    4. Click OK.

    If the processing completes successfully, the list of target services for this gateway service is updated. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

  8. To modify an existing target service, complete the following steps:

    1. Click the name of a target service in the list. The current target services settings for this target service are displayed.

    2. Modify the bus name and destination name.

      • We cannot modify the target service name

      • The target service need not be available on the same bus as the gateway service, so specify the bus and associated service destination at which the target service is available.

      • The Bus name field lists all available buses. The Destination name field lists all available destinations. When we choose a bus and an associated destination, choose a destination that is available on the bus that we select. If we do not do this, the administrative console displays an error message.

    3. If the target service is an external web service, the option Outbound web service enablement is available in the additional properties section. Click this option to modify the outbound service configuration for this target service. See Modifying an existing outbound service configuration.

    4. Click OK.

    If the processing completes successfully, the list of target services for this gateway service is redisplayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

  9. To delete one or more existing target services:

    1. Select the check box for every gateway service to delete.

    2. Click Delete.

    If the processing completes successfully, the list of target services for this gateway service is updated. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

  10. Click Apply. The current settings for this gateway service are redisplayed.

  11. Click OK.

If the processing completes successfully, the list of gateway services for this gateway instance is redisplayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.


  • Target services and gateway services
  • addWSGWTargetService command
  • removeWSGWTargetService command
  • Deleting gateway service configurations
  • Gateway services [Settings]
  • Target services [Settings]