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Detect and fix problems with WS-ReliableMessaging

The nature of WS-ReliableMessaging is that network and server failures are assumed, and therefore the target web service or message store might not be available. In these cases, message sequences cannot be completed and collections of web service messages are held awaiting transmission. Use the SystemOut.log file, system events, and the runtime administrative panels to monitor the system and detect and fix problems with WS-ReliableMessaging.

If a sequence fails, a message is written to the application server SystemOut.log file and a system event is generated. Therefore we can detect failed sequences by looking at the SystemOut.log file, or by writing an event listener (or using third party software) to monitor system events.

IBM recommends using the High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace infrastructure . We view HPEL log and trace information using the logViewer .

After a sequence has been established, WS-ReliableMessaging provides retransmission of messages to a service. However if the sequence is not established (that is, if the initial CreateSequence request is refused) then the messages are not transmitted to the service. See troubleshooting tip A sequence is not established and WS-ReliableMessaging cannot ensure messages are transmitted.

For more detailed status information at run time, and facilities to help you fix problems, use the WS-ReliableMessaging administrative console runtime panels. These panels are available at many different scopes (for example cell; application server; messaging engine). For a full list of the WS-ReliableMessaging runtime panels, and details of the scopes at which they are available, see WS-ReliableMessaging - administrative console panels.

At all scopes, the parent panel is Reliable messaging state settings. From this panel we can investigate each of the three key runtime aspects of reliable messaging:

The following icons are displayed here and on several other reliable messaging runtime panels:

Icon Name Description

OK Everything here, and (if there is a link) in all runtime panels below this link, is running normally.

Warning Something here, or (if there is a link) in one of the runtime panels below this link, is in an unusual state and we might have to take some action to resolve it.

For example, the system might be awaiting a response from an endpoint. In this case, either the response will be received (in which case we need take no action and the runtime information will be updated to "OK") or the reliable messaging destination has stopped acknowledging messages (in which case we have to take some action to resolve the failed sequence).

Error There is a definite error that we must take some action to resolve, either here or (if there is a link) in one of the runtime panels below this link.

Note that for troubleshooting purposes we only have to follow links to the sub-panels if states other than "OK" are displayed.

To use the reliable messaging runtime panels to detect and fix problems with WS-ReliableMessaging, complete one or more of the following steps:



  • WS-ReliableMessaging
  • Add assured delivery to web services through WS-ReliableMessaging
  • Use High Performance Extensible Logging to troubleshoot applications
  • Configure WS-SecureConversation to work with WS-ReliableMessaging
  • WS-ReliableMessaging - requirements for interaction with other implementations
  • WS-ReliableMessaging - administrative console panels
  • WS-ReliableMessaging: supported specifications and standards