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Get started with the batch environment

The major components of the batch environment include the job scheduler, the interfaces to the job scheduler, the job database, and grid endpoints.

The following diagram shows the major components. Use the command-line interface, the EJB interface, the web services interface, and the job management console to communicate with the job scheduler. The job scheduler has a job database containing all the jobs. The job scheduler in the diagram communicates with two node endpoints. An application server that is doing transactional work runs on another node, but does not communicate with the job scheduler. This application server is not part of the batch environment.

The job management console provides a graphical user interface (GUI) with which we can perform job management functions. Most of the function from other interfaces is also available from the job management console.

With the command-line interface, we can submit and control the batch jobs in the system. The enterprise bean and web services interfaces provide similar function to both Java EE and non-Java EE programs through programmatic interfaces. The administrative console provides a graphical user interface (GUI) with which we can configure the job scheduler, and view the location of endpoint servers.

Batch administrators and submitters can use the job management console to view, manage and perform job-related actions that include submitting a job, viewing of jobs, canceling or suspending a job, and resuming a suspended job.

The job scheduler accepts and schedules the execution of batch jobs. It manages the job database, assigns job IDs, and selects where jobs run.

The grid endpoints are application servers that are augmented to provide the runtime environments needed by batch applications.



  • Command-line interface for batch jobs
  • Job management console
  • Compute-intensive programming model
  • Environment planning for transactional batch applications and compute-intensive applications
  • Configure the job scheduler