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Verify signing information for the consumer binding using the WSS APIs

We can configure the signing information for the client-side response consumer (receiver) bindings. Signing information is used to sign and validate parts of a message including the SOAP body, the timestamp information, and the Username token.

WAS uses XML digital signature with existing algorithms such as RSA, HMAC, and SHA1. XML signature defines methods for describing key information and enables the definition of a new method. Prior to completing these steps, read the information about XML digital signature to become familiar with signing and verifying digital signatures for digital content.

By including XML signature in SOAP messages, the following issues are realized: message integrity and authentication. Integrity refers to digital signature whereas confidentiality refers to encryption. Integrity decreases the risk of data modification while the data is transmitted across the Internet.

Before we can verify the signature and SOAP message signed parts, we must have completed the following tasks:

Use the Web Services Security APIs (WSS API) to configure the signing verification information for the response consumer (client side) section of the bindings file. Use the WSSVerification or WSSVerifyPart APIs to configure the client for request signature verification and to specify which digitally signed message parts to verify.

WAS uses the signing information on the consumer side to verify the integrity of the received SOAP message by validating that the message parts (such as the body, time stamp, and Username token) are signed.

On the client side, use the WSS APIs, or configure policy sets using the console to specify which parts of the message are signed and to configure the key information referenced by the key information references. To verify the signature and signed parts, use the WSSVerification and WSSVerifyPart APIs.

WebSphere Application Server provides default values for bindings. However, an administrator must modify the defaults for a production environment.

The WSSVerification and WSSVerifyPart APIs complete the following steps to specify which digitally signed message parts to verify when configuring the client for response consumer signing:

  1. The WSSVerification API adds the required verify parts of the SOAP message.

    The part reference refers to the message part that is digitally signed. The part attribute refers to the name of the <Integrity> element when the <PartReference> element is specified for the signature. We can specify multiple <PartReference> elements within the <SigningInfo> element. The <PartReference> element has two child elements when it is specified for the signature: <DigestTransform> and <Transform>.

    The WSSVerification API configures the following parts as verification parts:

    Verification part Description
    Security token Add information for the security token used for the signature verification.
    SOAP header and the QName as a target Add the SOAP header, specified by QName, as a verification part.
    The WSS APIs allow the use of keywords or an XPath expression to specify which parts of the message are to be verified. WebSphere Application Server supports the use of the following keywords:

    Keyword References
    WSSVerification.ADDRESSING_HEADERS The Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) headers.
    WSSVerification.BODY The SOAP message body. The body is the user data portion of the message.
    WSSVerification.TIMESTAMP The creation and expiration timestamp information.

  2. The WSSVerification API adds the required header to the SOAP message. The header, specified by QName, is a required verification header.

  3. The WSSVerification API adds a security token. Adds information about the security token that is to be used for the signature verification, such as:

    • The class for security token.

    • The callback handler

    • The name of the JAAS login configuration.

  4. The WSSVerification API adds the signature method algorithm. The signature method is the algorithm used to convert the canonicalized <SignedInfo> element in the binding file into the <SignatureValue> element. The algorithm specified for the consumer, which is the response consumer configuration, must match the algorithm specified for the request generator configuration. WebSphere Application Server supports the following pre-configured signature algorithms:

    WAS does not support the following algorithm for DSA-SHA1: http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#dsa-sha1. We cannot use the DSA-SHA1 algorithm to be compliant with the Basic Security Profile (BSP).

  5. The WSSVerification API adds a canonicalization method. The canonicalization method algorithm is used to canonicalize the <SignedInfo> element before it is incorporated as part of the digital signature operation. The canonicalization algorithm specified for the generator must match the algorithm for the consumer.

    WebSphere Application Server supports the following pre-configured canonicalization algorithms:

  6. The WSSVerification API verifies whether a signature confirmation is required. The OASIS Web Services Security (WS-Security) Version 1.1 specification defines the use of signature confirmation. If we are using WS-Security Version 1.0, this function is not available.

    The signature confirmation value is stored in order to validate the signature confirmation with it after the receiving message is returned. This method is called if the response message is expected to attach the signature confirmation into the SOAP message.

  7. The WSSVerifyPart API adds a digest method. For each part reference in the signing information, the API specifies both a digest method algorithm and a transform algorithm.

    WebSphere Application Server supports the following pre-configured digest algorithms:

    • WSSVerifyPart.SHA1: http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1

    • WSSVerifyPart.SHA256: http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256

    • WSSVerifyPart.SHA512: http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha512

  8. The WSSVerifyPart API adds a transform method. For each part reference in the signing information, the API specifies both a digest method algorithm and a transform algorithm.

    WebSphere Application Server supports the following pre-configured transform algorithms:

    • WSSVerifyPart.TRANSFORM_EXC_C14N (the default value): http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#

    • WSSVerifyPart.TRANSFORM_XPATH2_FILTER: http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xmldsig-filter2

    • WSSVerifyPart.TRANSFORM_STRT10: http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#STR-Transform

    • WSSVerifyPart.TRANSFORM_ENVELOPED_SIGNATURE: http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature

    For the WSS APIs, WAS does not support these algorithms:

    • http://www.w3.org/2002/07/decrypt#XML

    • http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116

    The transform algorithm for the consumer must match the transform algorithm for the generator.


We have completed the steps to configure the signing information for the client-side response consumer sections of the bindings files.


The following example shows WSS API sample code to verify the signature and to verify the X.509 token type as the security token:

WSSFactory factory = WSSFactory.getInstance();
WSSConsumingContext concont = factory.newWSSConsumingContext();
// Generate the X.509 Callback Handler on the consumer side
    X509ConsumeCallbackHandler callbackhandler = generateCallbackHandler(); 
    WSSVerification ver = factory.newWSSVerification(X509Token.class, 

What to do next

If not already configured, specify a similar signing information configuration for the generator bindings.

Next, if already configured, configure the encryption and decryption information, or configure the consumer and generator tokens.

Related concepts

  • XML digital signature

    Related tasks

  • Verify the signature using the WSSVerification API
  • Verify signed parts using the WSSVerifyPart API
  • Configure response signature verification methods for the client

  • Signature verification methods using the WSSVerification API
  • Choose the verify parts methods using the WSSVerifyPart API