Run application servers under specific user profiles
We can run an application server under a user profile other than the default QEJBSVR user profile.
To change the application server default user profile:
- Choose an existing user profile, or use the Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF) command to create a user profile. The new user profile must have authority to the same objects to which the QEJBSVR user profile has authority.
- Specify QEJBSVR as the profile for the new profile group.
- Issue the following command from the command line:
CHGUSRPRF USRPRF(profile) GRPPRF(QEJBSVR)If we use the enbprfwas script to enable your user profile, we do not have to issue this command. Instead specify the -chggrpprf parameter on the enbprfwas script. See Step 3 for more information about how to use the enbprfwas command
- Optional: If the application server is currently running under a user profile other than QEJBSVR,s in Qshell:
- chown -R QEJBSVR profile_root
- app_server_root/bin/grtwasaut -profileName profile -user QEJBSVR -dtaaut RWX -objaut ALL -recursive
- Optional: If the old user profile is no longer used to run any of the servers in the instance, we can issue the following command to revoke the authorities of that profile:
app_server_root/bin/rvkwasaut -profileName profile -user profile -recursivewhere profile is the name of the old user profile.
- Perform one of the following actions to enable the user profile to run the application server:
- See the information about the System i Navigator.
- Use the enbprfwas command For example, run the following command:
app_server_root/bin/enbprfwas -profile myProfilewhere myProfile is the name of the user profile.
- Specify the new user profile name in the application server Run As User property.
- In the administrative console, click...
Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers and select an application server.
- In the Server Infrastructure section, select Java and process management > Process definition.
- In the Additional Properties section, click Process Execution and enter the name of the user profile in the Run As User field.
- Click OK and Save to save the configuration changes.
- Restart the application server.
We can now use the specified user profile to run application servers.
Enable user profiles to run application servers with System i Navigator grtwasaut command rvkwasaut command