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enbprfwas command

The enbprfwas command enables a profile to allow an application server to run under it and optionally changes the group profile to QEJBSVR.

It is an alternative to using iSeries Navigator to do the same thing. To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


The command syntax is as follows:

enbprfwas -profile <user profile> [-chggrpprf]


The following options are available for the enbprfwas command:


This is a required parameter. The value <user profile> specifies the name of the profile to enable to run application servers.


Optional. If specified, the command changes the group profile of <user profile> to QEJBSVR.

If the application server uses IBM Technology for Java JVM, we will need to execute few more commands to take advantage of the -Xshareclasses JVM option, which will reduce virtual memory footprint and improve the application server's startup time. To determine if the Application server uses IBM Technology for Java:

  1. Examine the profile_root/properties/.instance.properties file.

  2. If the value for the instance.use.j9 property is set to true, then the application server uses the IBM Technology for Java JVM.

Select either one of the following methods to optimize the application server to use the -Xshareclasses JVM option:


  • Use command-line tools