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Upload asset settings

Specify the asset to register with the asset repository. We can add registered assets to a business-level application.

From the admin console, click...

        Applications > New application > New Asset.

Import an asset registers the asset with the asset repository.

The product manages the contents of a registered asset as a single entity. The contents of a registered asset must be accessible to application servers, web servers and other runtime environments that use the asset.

During asset importing, asset files typically are uploaded from a client workstation running the browser to the server running the administrative console, where they are registered. In such cases, use the web browser running the administrative console to select files to upload to the server.

Path to the asset

Fully qualified path to the asset.

Specify one of the following supported assets:

Use Local file system if the browser and asset files are on the same machine (whether or not the server is on that machine, too).

Use Remote file system if the asset file resides on any node in the current cell context. Only supported assets are shown during the browsing. Also use Remote file system to specify an asset file already residing on the machine running the application server. For example, the field value might be profile_root/installableApps/my_bean.ejb. After the asset file is transferred, the Remote file system value shows the path of the temporary location on the server.


  • Business-level applications
  • Import assets
  • Asset collection
  • Asset settings