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Manage profiles

  1. Create default profile/appserver...

      cd app_server_root\bin\
      manageprofiles.bat -create -templatePath app_server_root\profileTemplates\default

  2. Start the server.

      cd profile_root/bin
      startServer.bat server1 -profileName profile

    The -profileName argument is not necessary if we have already changed to the profile_root/bin directory of the target profile.

  3. Display the ports. These are the ports assigned during profile creation.

      profile_root\properties\ portdef.props

    (iSeries) Use the dspwasinst QShell script to display the ports for our new profile:

      app_server_root/bin/dspwasinst -profileName profileName

    The WC_adminhost and WC_adminhost_secure ports listed are the nonsecure and secure administrative console ports, respectively.

  4. Open the administrative console.

    If the value of the WC_adminhost port for the server is 20003...


    If the value of the WC_adminhost_secure port for the server is 9061...
