Viewing IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for WAS performance data

To view IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM) for WebSphere Application Server monitoring information in Tivoli Performance Viewer, we must enable the counters. The Tivoli Performance Viewer presents the performance data in charts. Use the charts to determine how performance metrics have changed over a time period and whether WebSphere Application Server is experiencing any performance issues.

The following table provides details of the metrics displayed in the Tivoli Performance Viewer:

Counter Description

Ninety percent median of the processor usage of requests in milliseconds, where 90% of the response times are less than this value. This counter is only available at application level.

There is a maximum limit on the number of processor usage requests stored to calculate the 90% processor usage median. We can set this limit by defining the eCAM.90Percent.buffer.limit property in the file.

The 90% median is calculated by taking the sample at the 90% of the total samples. The formula to calculate the 90% median sample is:

    (number of samples - 1) * 0.9
For example, if the current sample size is 31, then the formula is: (31 - 1) * 0.9 = 27 and the 27th sample is returned.

If the result is not an integer, for example, when the current sample size is 32, then the formula is: (32 - 1) * 0.9 = 27.9. In this case, 10% of the 27th sample and 90% of the 28th sample is returned.


Ninety percent median of requests in milliseconds, where 90% of the response times are less than this value. This counter is available only at the application level.

There is a maximum limit on the number of request response times stored to calculate the 90% response time median. Set this limit by defining the eCAM.90Percent.buffer.limit property in the file. The default is 50.

The 90% median is calculated by taking the sample at the 90% of the total samples. The formula to calculate the 90% median sample is:

    (number of samples - 1) * 0.9
For example, if the current sample size is 31, then the formula is: (31 - 1) * 0.9 = 27 and the 27th sample is returned.

If the result is not an integer, for example, when the current sample size is 32, then the formula is: (32 - 1) * 0.9 = 27.9. In this case, 10% of the 27th sample and 90% of the 28th sample is returned.

AverageCPUUsage The average processor usage of requests in milliseconds.
AverageResponseTime The average response time of requests in milliseconds.
LastMinuteAverageCPUUsage The average processor usage of requests completed in the last minute (when the counter value is retrieved) in milliseconds.
LastMinuteAverageResponseTime The average response time of requests completed in the last minute (when the counter value is retrieved) in milliseconds.
MaximumCPUUsage The most intensive processor usage since the counter is enabled or reset in milliseconds. This counter is available only at the application level.
MaximumResponseTime The slowest response time since the counter is enabled or reset in milliseconds. This counter is available only at the application level.
MinimumCPUUsage The least intensive processor usage since the counter was enabled or reset in milliseconds. This counter is available only at the application level.
MinimumResponseTime The fastest response time since the counter is enabled or reset in milliseconds. This counter is available only at the application level.
RequestCount The number of requests completed since the counter is enabled or reset.

Some data does not display when correlative counters are disabled.

  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Monitoring and Tuning > Performance Viewer > Current Activity.

  3. Expand Performance Modules and click ITCAM Application Performance.
  4. To refresh the view, click Tivoli Performance Viewer and select the application_server instance for which to view performance data.

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Monitor performance with IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for WAS

  • Start IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for WAS

    Enabling IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for WAS counters


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