Use the migration tools
Migration support tools included with WebSphere Application Server provide support for saving the configuration and applications from a previous version of the product into a migration-specific backup directory and then importing that configuration into the latest version of the application server.
- Migration wizard
- Migrate an earlier supported version of WAS to v9.0. The wizard is the graphical interface to the WASPreUpgrade and WASPostUpgrade commands. The Migration wizard cannot run in a non-graphical environment. Examples of non-graphical environments include telnet sessions. To run migration in a non-graphical environment, use WASPreUpgrade and WASPostUpgrade.
- Migration properties file
- Rather than specifying individual parameters on migration commands, we can specify the -properties parameter to input a properties file containing properties that define our migration. By defining our migration settings in a properties file, we can make our migration process easily repeatable. A template file is located in...
- WASPreUpgrade command
- Save the applications and configuration data from a previous installation of WAS to a backup directory. The WASPostUpgrade command restores the configuration data from the directory to the new installation. The Migration wizard calls the WASPreUpgrade command during migration. We can also use the command to perform a manual migration after installing the new version.
- WASPostUpgrade command
- Restore the configuration data from a previous release. The WASPostUpgrade command reads the data from the backup directory where the WASPreUpgrade command stored the data. The Migration wizard calls the WASPostUpgrade command during migration. We can also use the command to perform a manual migration after installing the new version.
- WASMigrationAppInstaller command
- Migrate applications from the previous release into the new release. The WASPostUpgrade command also attempts to migrate the applications to the new release. If the only problems that occur when running the WASPostUpgrade command were with installing applications, run the WASMigrationAppInstaller command instead of rerunning the WASPostUpgrade command. The tool only installs applications that are not already installed, so we can run the tool as many times as needed.
- createRemoteMigrJar command
- For remote migrations, we can use the createRemoteMigrJar command to create a .jar file that enables us to run the WASPreUpgrade command on a system that does not have WAS installed. The resulting WAS_ver_OS.arch_RemoteMigrSupport.jar file collects files from the target installation, including files to run the WASPreUpgrade command and Java. Because the command collects files and information from the target installation, the JAR file can only be used if the operating systems and architectures on the source and target installations are the same. If either of these differ, install WAS on the source machine.
- convertSelfSignedCertificatesToChained task
- Chained certificates are the default certificate type in WAS v9.0. Administrators can use the convertSelfSignedCertificatesToChained task with to convert self-signed certificates to chained certificates.
Tip: For help, read Troubleshoot migration.
What to do next
Use the selected tools to migrate the product configuration.
- WAS Migration Toolkit
- Migrate profiles using the migration wizard
- Define our migration through properties
- WASPreUpgrade command
- WASPostUpgrade command
- WASMigrationAppInstaller command
- createRemoteMigrJar command
- manageprofiles command
- backupConfig command
- restoreConfig command
- IBM WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit
- Migration Toolkit on WASdev
- Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability
- Migration considerations
- Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for WAS