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Overview of the custom error page policy

The custom error page policy is a feature that enables the proxy server to use an application to generate an HTTP error response. With this capability, the administrator can return a polished error page when the proxy server generates an error, or when a content server returns an unsuccessful response.

The following action describes scenarios for how the error page policy is used when it is configured:

A sample error application is available in the <WAS_INSTALL_ROOT>/installableApps/HttpErrorHandler.ear file.

When we configure the on demand router to use a custom error handling application, enter the following tag in the <Head> section of the html page:

<Base href="http://<Server>/<ErrorPageAppContextRoot>/" />
For <Server>, use a value specific to your topology. In most cases <Server> is the on demand router. We can get this information from the servlet API.

For <ErrorPageAppConextRoot>, enter the context root for our error handling application.

This configuration helps you prevent issues when displaying the error information.