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Starting a mediation

Use this task when we want a mediation to apply its message processing to messages at a selected specialized message point on a destination, at runtime.

The mediation we want to start must be associated with a destination. See Mediating a destination.

Starting (and stopping) a mediation is a runtime operation. All mediation runtime operations are performed on specialized destination message points called mediation points. When we start a mediation, the mediation begins operating on messages at a selected mediation point. We can start a mediation after the server has started. A mediation cannot operate on new messages at a mediation point after server shutdown begins.

Tip: To ensure that a mediation operates on a specific message at a mediation point, remove all existing messages from the mediation point before starting the mediation. See Deleting messages on a mediation point.

To start a mediation in the administrative console:


  1. List the mediation points using the administrative console:

    • To list the mediation points for a bus destination, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Destination resources] Destinations -> destination_name -> [Message Points] Mediation points.

    • To list the mediation points for a messaging engine, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Messaging engines -> engine_name -> [Message points] Mediation points.

  2. Select the mediation name.

  3. Click Start.

The mediation starts operating on messages at the selected mediation point.

What to do next

To list or delete messages at selected mediation points, see Administer messages on mediation points. To restart a mediation, refer to Restarting a mediation that has stopped on error.


  • Mediation points